Tussionex Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery
Tussionex is the brand name for a cough suppressant containing two medications, hydrocodone and chlorpheniramine. These medications, which work together to relieve coughing so a patient can get the necessary rest to recover from illness.
Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine, and hydrocodone is an opiate. Hydrocodone is most often used to control pain, but this medication is used as an antitussive, to decrease activity in the part of the brain that causes coughing.
Due to its high potential for dependency, Tussionex must always be taken exactly as prescribed. When taken as directed, the medication simply works to relieve coughing, but when taken in high doses, it also induces a rush of euphoria and intense relaxation.
If you or someone you love is addicted to Tussionex, call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now, and let us connect you with professional help.
Tussionex Abuse & Addiction
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Opioids act by attaching to and activating opioid receptor proteins, which are found on nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal tract, and other organs in the body. When these drugs attach to the pain receptors, they inhibit the transmission of pain signals.”
Opioid receptors are found in the same parts of the brain that control respiration, which is why hydrocodone also functions to relieve coughing. When used as directed, Tussionex will not get you high.
Taking larger than recommended doses, however, will cause your brain to release an abnormal amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine. This will initially cause a euphoric rush, then a crash as the drug wears off, giving you an unusual low feeling due to depleted dopamine levels. This feeling will often cause you to take more Tussionex in an ongoing cycle of addiction that can start from your first use.
Signs and Symptoms of Tussionex Addiction
Although someone addicted to Tussionex is likely to try and hide their drug problem from loved ones, there are some signs you can look out for. They include:

Withdrawal is one of the primary signs of Tussionex addiction.
- taking higher doses than prescribed
- seeking refills too early
- stealing, forging or selling prescriptions
- excessive mood swings or hostility
- changes in sleep patterns
- poor decision-making
- appearing to be high, sedated or drunk without having ingested alcohol
- continually “losing” prescriptions, so more prescriptions must be written
- seeking prescriptions from more than one doctor
- difficulty living up to expectations at work, school, or home
If you or someone you love is addicted to Tussionex, please call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now, and let our treatment advisors find you the expert assistance you need.
Risks for Tussionex Withdrawal
Hydrocodone simultaneously suppresses and activates the functions of opiate receptors, resulting in blocked pain and stimulated neurotransmitter release. Due to the location of opioid receptors in the brain, this process also depresses respiration. When you take Tussionex in prescribed doses, the effect is only slight, resulting in reduced coughing. When taken in large doses to get high, the medication can slow down your breathing until it stops altogether.
Due to the tolerance that results from sustained use, addicts usually have to raise their dosage over time. It can be difficult to know when you are taking so much Tussionex that it could cause fatal complications. Perhaps, in the moment, you don’t really care.
Cravings for the drug can be incredibly intense, and withdrawal symptoms incredibly unpleasant, making you prioritize drug use over risk. This makes you vulnerable to overdose.
According to MedlinePlus, symptoms of Tussionex overdose may include the following:
- narrowed or widened pupils
- slow, shallow, or stopped breathing
- slowed or stopped heartbeat
- cold, clammy, or blue skin
- excessive sleepiness
- loss of consciousness
- seizures
- death
If you or someone you love is putting their health and well-being at risk due to Tussionex addiction, call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now. We can direct you to the best forms of treatment available.
Who’s at Risk for Tussionex Withdrawal?
All kinds of people struggle with addictions to hydrocodone medications like Tussionex. Addiction can start out quite innocently. You may take a slightly larger dose by accident, or because you mistakenly think it will be more effective, and find the resulting experience of relaxation and cheerfulness too appealing to resist.
You may up your intake very slowly to enjoy milder effects, or rapidly, to experience a euphoric rush. Either way, you start out psychologically addicted, with physical addiction rapidly following. Perhaps you have tried to quit already, but gave up because you found the withdrawal symptoms unbearable.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine’s page on opiates and opiate withdrawal explains that these symptoms can include:
- agitation
- anxiety
- muscle aches
- increased tearing
- insomnia
- runny nose
- sweating
- yawning
- abdominal cramping
- diarrhea
- dilated pupils
- goose bumps
- nausea
- vomiting
Tussionex Addiction
Using Tussionex responsibly can help you recover from illness by suppressing a cough that keeps you from resting. Overuse and abuse of Tussionex will lead to addiction.
You may have started abusing the medication without realizing how risky it was. Some people get their first experience of the hydrocodone rush when they mistakenly use a regular household spoon instead of a proper teaspoon to measure out their dose, and accidentally take more than recommended.
However you became addicted, you may now find it difficult to care about the risks involved in your drug use—or maybe you care very much, but your fear isn’t enough to keep you from using.
Am I Addicted to Tussionex?
You are addicted to a drug when you feel like you can’t get through the week, the day, or the hour without it; when you become obsessive about getting ahold of and using your drug of choice, continuing to use even after it damages your relationships, your functioning, and your health.
If you are still not sure whether you are addicted to Tussionex, read and honestly consider if/how the following statements apply to you.
- You experience intense cravings for Tussionex.
- You feel incapable of controlling your urge to take the drug.
- Your drug use has caused problems with your health, finances, work or school, family or friends, and yet you continue to use.
- You have experienced accidents or injuries due to your drug use.
- You engage in risky or uncharacteristic behavior to obtain the drug or while on drugs.
- People in your life are concerned about your drug use. You become hostile and defensive when they confront you.
- You feel unable to stop using on your own.
If you can relate to any of these statements, you may be addicted to Tussionex and in need of professional substance abuse help. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now, and let our advisors connect you to the right treatment option for you.
Hydrocodone Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery
Tussionex Addiction Treatment
If you are struggling with addiction, the best thing you can do for yourself, your loved ones, and even your community, is to seek help. Rehab programs exist because addiction is a disease that requires professional treatment. The specialists at these programs have the appropriate training and tools to help you overcome addiction, and build a brighter future.
Detox Treatment for Tussionex Withdrawal
Getting sober is the first step to overcoming drug use, and getting sober necessitates detoxing from your drug of choice. Because relapse is common during the withdrawal process, it is advisable to detox at a treatment facility, where you will have constant guidance, and a staff to hold you accountable throughout the process.
A doctor may have you taper off of Tussionex gradually, to minimize symptoms. They may prescribe medications to block the effects of the opiates in your system and make you more comfortable. They may use alternative therapies such as acupuncture and IV vitamins to help you through the process.
No matter how you detox, once you’re brain and body is free of addictive substances, it is time to dig into your recovery plan.
There are as many different possibilities for addiction recovery plans as there are differences among patients. Treatment is not a one size fits all system. Your needs and goals are unique.
Still, certain core elements will be included in all recovery plans, but adapted/adjusted to suit you and your progress throughout treatment.
- Even if you don’t attend actual 12-step meetings until after discharged from treatment, the philosophies behind the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program are used as a foundation for many substance abuse treatment programs.
- Counseling is a crucial part of everyone’s recovery process. You likely suffer from undiagnosed and/or untreated mental health issues (these are called co-occurring conditions) that are partly to blame for your addiction problems. Working with a qualified therapist—be it a psychologist, psychiatrist, or trained counselor—will help you uncover these issues so you can start dealing with them directly, in a healthier manner.
- Group and family counseling are also important for healing. Group therapy will strengthen you via the experience of getting and giving support to other people dealing with similar challenges, and family therapy will resolve conflicts and improve communication so you can return home to an environment that promotes a sober lifestyle.
Seek Help Today
There is no need to keep suffering due to substance abuse.
Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) to speak to our treatment advisors, and start transforming your life today.